The first one who knows the answer and sends an e-mail with their name and answer to the "contact us" e-mail address from the site http://www.footballfashionfanatics.com/ will win an "all the way" date with the movie star or recording artist of their choice. Yes, we have that kind of pull.
Really. No seriously. Don't believe me? Well, go ahead, be that way. But when some other lucky bastard is rummaging around Natalie Portman's panties you're going to be kicking yourself... right? So what are you waiting for?
Or you can just check the circle corresponding to the right answer and see if you know your football fashion from a hole in the ground... you light in the loafers pantywaist.
1 comment:
Sorry I missed the polls, and the date with Catherine Zeta Jones, just as I am sorry she is missing her date with me. I'm loving the site, though I am not a huge football fan. I find that every time I like a player, they get traded for no good reason, so I give my loyalty sparingly. I still prefer Pennington to Favre. I know this is off topic, but can I just comment on team nicknames for a minute? I notice the Giants are now being called G-men, Madden did it last night in fact, and I think this is fairly new, and as nicknames go, it is not bad, though a nickname should be shorter than the name, or what's the point? The Jets nickname, though, has got to go. Gang Green? Come on, be serious. I know it is supposed to roll off the tongue, but do any of you know just what "gangrene" really is? It is not a good thing. It is a bad thing. If you have it, body parts turn black, smell bad, and fall off, and if this is your idea of a good time, then don't shake my hand, that stuff is nasty and contagious. It is like calling your team "Syphillus", or "Drippy wee wee" or "oozing pustule". Not a great marketing brand name, unless you are selling penicillin. Just a thought. Love from the states, Ken.
Signed, Cousin Peter
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