Sunday, December 14, 2008

Absurdity comes in many flavors

If you're reading this blog it means that you not only appreciate absurdity... you actively seek it out and wallow in it like a filthy pig rooting in it's own waste (do I know how to butter up our readers or what)

As such we're opening up the Esteemed PFL (Paper Football League) annual tournament to one lucky reader.... kind of like Vince Papale in that movie "Invincible" where the local boy makes it past a Vermeil publicity stunt to the roster of his beloved Eagles.

Yeah.... just like that...

Anyway here's the initial Propaganda invite that went out. The reader that sends in the most interesting fashion detail or funniest impassioned plea will win a chance to compete on the big day. Plus that date with Natalie Portman that no one won from our last contest. (go back a few weeks in the blog to check that one out). Let the games begin.

Greetings one and all ! Yes the world is seemingly spinning out of control, those of you lucky enough to have houses just saw their value plummet, we're all never going to be able to retire and soon we'll all be living behind the 7-11 fighting over who gets to sleep in the dumpster and who sleeps under it. So whats a rational person supposed to do? I'll tell you.... CELEBRATE because the 4th annual PFL is comin' at ya in just a few short months! Thats right it's time to warm up those fingers, work up an appetite and get ready to let the mayhem begin. Once again Joe Hermann stadium has been leased for the big day. The maids are spiffing up the luxury boxes and a cooling system has been installed under the porch floor astroturf to insure that even in the event of a warm spell, the tundra will be frozen for gametime. It promises to be an extravaganza and an action packed thrill ride from start to finish. As usual. This years event will start early on Saturday January 24 2009 with a new feature... an actual touch football game at the newly refurbished dumont field. Thats right, this year participants wll be limping up to the table at the paper tournament and with any luck at all someone may even drip blood on the playing table. There will be excellent food, there will be beer of all shapes, sizes and flavors, and as always the thrill of an athletic competition so ... soo... so absurd that the networks refuse to cover it and the olympic committe won't even return my phone calls. There may even be T-shirts check out the design here. (for zooming capablity) or from the attached pic. There will be NFL background music until your ears bleed and an atmosphere so manly that the EPA has been put on alert to have a testosterone cleanup team on standby. There will be a jam session afterwards which will hopefully be kicked off by Johnny O reprising his thoroughly detestable and equally hilarious David Allen Coe song. To Mike Mac, Tom, Joe and Johnny O lets pick 7-10 songs, agree on keys and we can run through them before the event on our own so its more fun on game day. Bring a sleeping bag to crash on the floor as anyone trying to drive home drunk will be shot and debauchery is encouraged. Does anyone know a kid with a license and a car who wants to make a few bucks doing pick ups and drop offs for the people who have to get home that evening but want to be able to have a few beers without worrying about it? You guys coming from a distance, please make plans to sleep over so you can relax and enjoy ok? Again thats Saturday January 24 2009 the weekend after the NFL conference championships. PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDER! RSVP and indicate if you're game for the game of touch before the paper tournament