My computer was in the stranglehold of some god damned… thing for the past few days. Hijacking my browser and causing strange behaviour in a lot of key programs. The resulting brain anyurism, epileptic fits and tourettes-like outbursts have wreaked havoc over here at FFF command central.
Each time I think it’s under control it comes back from the dead like some B-movie serial killer. I mean really…
My fits of rage during this battle caused me to channel Mo Syzlak the bartender from the Simpsons. When I thought of what dickhead would foist these problems on other humans I thought, as Mo said “If I ever get my hands on you I’m gonna rip your eyeballs out and shove them up your ass so you can watch me kick the crap out of you”
So the battles not over yet but if you’re reading this it means that I’ve at least regained the capability to post.
Each time I think it’s under control it comes back from the dead like some B-movie serial killer. I mean really…
My fits of rage during this battle caused me to channel Mo Syzlak the bartender from the Simpsons. When I thought of what dickhead would foist these problems on other humans I thought, as Mo said “If I ever get my hands on you I’m gonna rip your eyeballs out and shove them up your ass so you can watch me kick the crap out of you”
So the battles not over yet but if you’re reading this it means that I’ve at least regained the capability to post.
The Fashion Commissioner, aka Giant Man has discovered a new Giants history site and it is just amazing. Any football fan will find great stuff and for Giant fans it's like being a Juggs subscriber in a Vegas strip club. 'nuff said. http://history.giants.com/
So down to fashion business. The Jets lose on a 57 yard field goal in OT to the Raiders. They were wearing their green pants. Karma got ‘em for it. The green pants suck, put ‘em away for good.
This does however provide new information in the discussion regarding if a team can wear their throwbacks twice in a season and wear an alternate uni as well. The Jets green pants would have to qualify as an alternate uniform since their standard road pants are white. Since Gang Green has already worn their throwbacks twice this season it would appear that the twice a season rule for throwbacks is a separate issue from alternates.
The Cowboys got beat by the Rams who continue to shine in their new semi retro uniforms. The ‘boys looked at St Louis’ record and ignored the the power of the new duds and paid the price.
Herm Edward once hired a guy just to handle clock management at the end of the halves. When will teams wise up and hire consultants (like us) to advise them on fashion issues that clearly have an effect on game results?
Watched the Giant game and it was a study in contrasts uni-wise. San Fran looked spectacular with an especially vibrant red on the font of the tackle twill jersey numbers. Numbers which by the way are the unusual three layer twill variety, the under most layer being the black to give a previously discussed 3d effect.
The blood red of the helmet paint just resonates.
There was a lot of variation in the outer layer white socks of the niners and I’m surprised the NFL fashion police didn’t pick up on this.
The Giant were in their home blues and this is where they shine. Simple white single layer twill cut in a basic football font on no nonsense solid blue jerseys combine with the minimalist elements of the rest of the uni to add up to BIG BLUE. If San Fran’s uni was a symphony then NY’s was a steamrolling power trio at an absolutely rockin’ house party. They’re both great but I know where I wanna be…
Not that NY was without nice details. The red collar yoke web that holds the mandatory collar NFL logo is unusual and a real nice touch. Some of the players were wearing long sleeve under armour type matching undershirts and it was reminiscent of the days when there actually were long sleeve jerseys. (see previous post on the NY Titans away jeresy) Todays ultra tailored second skin fit jerseys have taken away some of the classic football look from bygone era’s so this look was noteworthy and welcome.
Also noteworthy on the Giants side of the ball was the unusual helmets worn by both Justin Tuck and Fred Robbins. (yes I know they've worn them before. I think Brandon Jacobs even sported one for a while last season but this is the first chance I've had to comment) I believe this is the Schutt ION 4d My problem with it?... Can’t they make their improvements without giving it that dopey Klingon forehead look. It would still be distinctive from other features so please Schutt, lose that pointless protrusion.
So down to fashion business. The Jets lose on a 57 yard field goal in OT to the Raiders. They were wearing their green pants. Karma got ‘em for it. The green pants suck, put ‘em away for good.
This does however provide new information in the discussion regarding if a team can wear their throwbacks twice in a season and wear an alternate uni as well. The Jets green pants would have to qualify as an alternate uniform since their standard road pants are white. Since Gang Green has already worn their throwbacks twice this season it would appear that the twice a season rule for throwbacks is a separate issue from alternates.
The Cowboys got beat by the Rams who continue to shine in their new semi retro uniforms. The ‘boys looked at St Louis’ record and ignored the the power of the new duds and paid the price.
Herm Edward once hired a guy just to handle clock management at the end of the halves. When will teams wise up and hire consultants (like us) to advise them on fashion issues that clearly have an effect on game results?
Watched the Giant game and it was a study in contrasts uni-wise. San Fran looked spectacular with an especially vibrant red on the font of the tackle twill jersey numbers. Numbers which by the way are the unusual three layer twill variety, the under most layer being the black to give a previously discussed 3d effect.
The blood red of the helmet paint just resonates.
There was a lot of variation in the outer layer white socks of the niners and I’m surprised the NFL fashion police didn’t pick up on this.
The Giant were in their home blues and this is where they shine. Simple white single layer twill cut in a basic football font on no nonsense solid blue jerseys combine with the minimalist elements of the rest of the uni to add up to BIG BLUE. If San Fran’s uni was a symphony then NY’s was a steamrolling power trio at an absolutely rockin’ house party. They’re both great but I know where I wanna be…
Not that NY was without nice details. The red collar yoke web that holds the mandatory collar NFL logo is unusual and a real nice touch. Some of the players were wearing long sleeve under armour type matching undershirts and it was reminiscent of the days when there actually were long sleeve jerseys. (see previous post on the NY Titans away jeresy) Todays ultra tailored second skin fit jerseys have taken away some of the classic football look from bygone era’s so this look was noteworthy and welcome.
Also noteworthy on the Giants side of the ball was the unusual helmets worn by both Justin Tuck and Fred Robbins. (yes I know they've worn them before. I think Brandon Jacobs even sported one for a while last season but this is the first chance I've had to comment) I believe this is the Schutt ION 4d My problem with it?... Can’t they make their improvements without giving it that dopey Klingon forehead look. It would still be distinctive from other features so please Schutt, lose that pointless protrusion.

Generally, I like Schutt. I even own one myself. I bought it for my ill advised foray back into footall a few years back when I couldn't find a Riddell that fit as well as the Schutt DNA. I love the fit and protection of the helmet but the DNA makes me look like the Great Kazoo cartoon character from the Flintstones when viewed straight on from the front.
If forced to choose, I'd take the Klingon look over that but why do I have to. Is it too much to ask to get the look right when innovating?
More later if I ever get this fucking virus under control…
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