Wow... those pulitzer people know how to party! I was expecting egghead central but instead got a roomfull of Hunter Thomson wannabees. I guess it's been about a week or more since winning the prestigious award and most of the money is already gone. Shoulda said ixnay on the ookershay a little earlier in the week. At least it was a first class bender. Yep, best crack hotel money can buy.
In any case I had the presence of mind to save enough for cab fare home. I had to shoot my way out of the room with a fistfull of the last of the larger denomination bills but it was worth the risk since it left me with enough to buy a case of suds on the way home so I could orchestrate a soft landing over the next few days and keep FFF command central afloat for the weekends games.
Let me tell ya, it was a party that would make the Stabler/Matuzak Raiders proud. Hell, it would make the Raiders, the late 70's Led Zepplin road crew and pre-Rehab Robert Downy jr proud.
So anywhooo.. back to the biz that got us into the A-list shindigs in the first place.. FOOTBALL FASHION !
One of my obsessions has been getting a good clear picture of the outward curling 3/4 helmet stripe of the Carolina Panthers. For decades now I have hunted this elusive prey with only partial success. All my previous attempts have yielded only limited success in the form of pictures that are like those grainy bigfoot shots you see on those half baked alien/conspiracy/we didn't really land on the mood idiot psuedo-documentaries.
Well, I guess my possesion of the Pulitzer Prize has imbued me with new super journalistic powers because before my hangover from the award ceremony afterparty had even kicked in, I had snagged the shot that has eluded me all these years. My total lack of dedication has finally paid off. Witness the glory below of the best direct shot illustrating the most unique helmet striping in all of Pro football.
In any case I had the presence of mind to save enough for cab fare home. I had to shoot my way out of the room with a fistfull of the last of the larger denomination bills but it was worth the risk since it left me with enough to buy a case of suds on the way home so I could orchestrate a soft landing over the next few days and keep FFF command central afloat for the weekends games.
Let me tell ya, it was a party that would make the Stabler/Matuzak Raiders proud. Hell, it would make the Raiders, the late 70's Led Zepplin road crew and pre-Rehab Robert Downy jr proud.
So anywhooo.. back to the biz that got us into the A-list shindigs in the first place.. FOOTBALL FASHION !
One of my obsessions has been getting a good clear picture of the outward curling 3/4 helmet stripe of the Carolina Panthers. For decades now I have hunted this elusive prey with only partial success. All my previous attempts have yielded only limited success in the form of pictures that are like those grainy bigfoot shots you see on those half baked alien/conspiracy/we didn't really land on the mood idiot psuedo-documentaries.
Well, I guess my possesion of the Pulitzer Prize has imbued me with new super journalistic powers because before my hangover from the award ceremony afterparty had even kicked in, I had snagged the shot that has eluded me all these years. My total lack of dedication has finally paid off. Witness the glory below of the best direct shot illustrating the most unique helmet striping in all of Pro football.

Huh?! Eh? was I kiddin'.... she's a beauty right? As anyone who has followed this site knows, the Ravens, and Titans have fading front to back double stripes and the Broncos have a single back to front fading center stripe but no one in the history of the game has ever gone where these boys have by throwing the outward curl into the mix. And now greatness has graced these hallowed pages for the second time this month when the Football Fashion gods smiled over at Lady Luck and gave her the nod to spread 'em for us one more time before the Pulitzer Viagra wore off.
I have a wise old uncle who once told me "kid, if you live a good life, you get lucky once in a while" That seemed like a pretty dismal prognosis to me so I promptly ignored it, reversed field and dove head first into a pile of heroin and hookers. As you might expect, I met Hollywood Henderson and Micheal Irvin in there. And so I followed this glorious path to this high paid cushy gig writing about the really savage side of football.
So now its time to crank up a stogie, lean back and bask in the glory for a while before it's time to watch the the Jets and Titans go at it. It's gonna be house divided here at FFF what with the fashion commissioner pulling for the Titans to remain undefeated and me pulling hard for the former Titans to knock the boys from Tennessee off their undefeated throne. Yeah, I got the 72 Dolphins on my side this week but I ain't gonna sit at Griese or Shulas table. Oh no, I'll be headed straight over to the Mercury Morris corner and we're gonna round up the Sundance kid aka Jim Kick and with the bar set Pulitzer party high we're gonna watch the Jets win and then show 'em how it's done.
Party on Wayne, Party on Garth
1 comment:
Oh what a tough day for the fashion Commissioner. Yes, The Jets did destroy the Titans and it was justified. The NFL gods could not let the Giant Man have two teams with the best record in the NFL could they? Even with the loss, the Giants and Titans are a combined 20-2. Not bad, not bad. That would be a dream Super Bowl for me but honestly the Jets look like the best team in the AFC this week. Remember Jet fans that the Titans will not spot you five or six drops the next time they play in Tennessee for the right to go to the Super Bowl. That's right. Titans vs the Jets in Tennessee. Oh Baby! I want a rematch!!!
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