Friday, November 14, 2008

Breaking news: Lions throwback sucks

Well, this picture about sums up my feelings for the pitiful Lions throwback effort. The most pointless and nondescript piece of puke ever foisted on a fashion hungry football fandom.

No helmet logo? No biggie. Titans don't have one, ditto Browns and half of Pittsburgh. No helmet stripe? Ok, I guess they were maybe depicting a Uni from a "before helmets" time frame.

Plain jersey, no interesting font, one color. Hmmm... Plain pants, no stripe? I'm no historian but I think they had invented pants stripes as early as the thirties. Perhaps all the cloth striping was being diverted as priority to make fan belts for Henry Fords assembly line... Alright, maybe they just had nothing to draw on but when you add up, well there's really nothing to add up.

It's just a big giant blank canvas turd of a throwback. How fitting that it comes from a team that resides in the swamps of the Fashion power rankings with their regular threads.

Not being nasty just to be nasty but I think the brain trust in Detroit needs a "Snap out of it!" slap.

Or maybe its time to forget about half measures and just load up the trusty double barrel and take this franchise out behind the woodshed and put it out of it's misery.

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